How to Win Meaning in a Turbulent World

During a time of deadly disease, economic turmoil and political unrest, it may be hard to find purpose. But finding it is possible, says author and entrepreneur Karen Dillon. “Reengaging with your work and reminding yourself of who you are and why you do what you do,” she says, can help you win meaning.

Winning means getting something that you want or need, usually by defeating someone else in a contest or battle. If you win a competition, you get a prize or medal. He won gold in the men’s gymnastic event. The company was able to win the support of the poor.

Another way to win is by overcoming difficulty or hardship. If you go for the win, you risk failing or being hurt in a game like football. But if you’re willing to take the risk, it can pay off.

You can also win by changing your lifestyle to reflect the kind of person you want to be. For example, if you want to be more positive, you may start to listen to music that makes you feel good or think in constructive ways. You might even wear clothes that make you look great.

Winners don’t just focus on the positives in their life, they also understand that the negatives can be overcome. They realize that what they think and believe has a direct impact on their behavior and results. They replace bad habits with winning ones, such as exercising and eating healthily.

The people you surround yourself with say a lot about who you are. If you spend time with people who don’t have your best interests at heart, it can be easy to fall into negative behaviors. However, you can win meaning by focusing on the people who encourage you to be your best self. This may mean choosing friends and family members who prioritize healthy relationships or work on making a difference in the world. You can also choose to be a change agent yourself by supporting local businesses or charity events that you believe in. You can even volunteer your time to help those in need. This will give you a sense of accomplishment and make you feel like you’re part of something bigger than yourself. This is a big step in winning meaning. You can even take this a step further by setting goals for yourself to achieve over the next year.